About Us

Meet Guy

The man, the myth, the legend, and the creator behind Guyz Unique Beard Oil Blend. Guy has been able to grow facial hair quickly from a very young age, but never really cared for more than a little bit of scruff. Three years ago, he made the decision to grow his beard and never shave it again. It has been a journey and there have definitely been times he wanted to give it up and shave it, especially during the rough Oklahoma summers. He stuck with it and now has what many call an “epic” beard. He takes great pride in his appearance and keeps his beard healthy and on point. He has used several different oils over the years and has really liked them. He started playing with the idea of creating his own to save some money. Two years ago, the unthinkable happened, Guy was injured on the job and has been unable to work since. Guy has always been very active, and this injury has slowed him down and has kept him from doing the things he loves. Recently he started thinking about the beard oil idea, and thus Guyz Unique Beard Oil Blend was born. Guy put a lot of thought into the name of his company and wanted to honor his grandmother by using one of her favorite words, “unique”. We have really been working hard to make his dream a reality. He has been the one who has chosen every oil and fragrance that has gone into this product. His main focus is on Strength, Straightness, and Growth. Getting just the right fragrance has been a lot of fun and each one is definitely, “unique”. We hope you enjoy this product as much as he does.